Realization of a transformer station and a TGBT at the general management of Aouina works
Client: Department of National Defense
Renovation of the electrical installations of the Mohamed KASSAB institute of orthopedics in Ksar Said. Batch: Transformer station
Client: Ministry of Public Health
Supply, equipment and installation of a transformer station in the residential project called “RIHAB ENNASR II”
Client: The real estate of the avenue
Construction of the headquarters of the regional directorate of Jendouba
Client: Tunisia Telecom
Acquisition and installation of an elevator at the PACKTEC technical center
Client: PACKTEC CENTER Number: 1 Nominal Load: 630Kg – 3 VIN
Installation of a 1600 kg sick lift at the mongi slim hospital in la marsa
Client: mongi slim hospital in la marsa Number: 1 Nominal Load: 1600kg – 4NIV